Frame Openings
Accurate preparation of the door opening is critical.
Homegroup always advise overall door frame size for fire doors either on the worksheet or the master door schedule. The framed opening must not exceed 10mm in height and 20mm in width of the door frame.
This means a 10mm clearance all sides is maximum. Example:
• Overall door frame 2028x876
• Max. frame opening 2038x896
Moisture Content
Timber doors are manufactured with a moisture content of 10 – 12%. It is not recommended to bring doors to site or to install until relative humidity levels are acceptable and any forced drying has been completed.
Storage Area
The storage area must be clean, level, suitable for stacking doors and provide sufficient space for doors to be moved around, sorted and re-stacked as installation proceeds.
Priming and Sealing
Doors must be primed and sealed faces and all 4 edges immediately following delivery. All apertures and cut out preparations for hardware must also be sealed. It is advisable to avoid getting paint on intumescent seals but in the event this does happen, the performance of the seal is not compromised.
Do not store doors standing upright or leaning as this causes bowing. Stack doors horizontally on level supports that extend across the full width of the bottom door frame. Provide support at the centre and at 300mm from each end. If over 2150mm in height, provide a middle intermediate support. Always cover the supports with cardboard or similar to prevent marking. Stack with the largest door at the bottom with size reducing up the stack. When doors have projections such a glazing beads or pre-fitted hardware, provide intermediate battens between doors to allow clearance.
Exposure to light will fade timber. Cover stacks with opaque sheeting to prevent fading and to keep doors clean. This is very important for veneered doors.
Install doors only when conditions are suitable. Operating gaps around door frames must not exceed 10mm and can vary due to conditions and affect door performance if the door is installed in wet framing as an example. Typically 30 minute fire doors have Radiata pine door frames and 60 minute doors have a hardwood door frame.
Provide packers in the framed opening that won’t shrink. Before positioning the doorset, ensure that studs are secure. Pack between the doorframe and the prepared opening immediately above each fixing position. Ensure that the door assembly when in position is perfectly plumb and square. Ensure the jambs are straight, operating gaps are even (3mm between door leaf and frame, top and side), and that fixing screws do not distort the frame when tightened. Packing to be done 10mm back from the frame face to allow for the mastic bead.
When the door leaf has been packed into the prepared opening, remove door leaves if necessary to facilitate fixing. Fix doorframes in masonry in conjunction with plugs and woodscrews with a minimum 50mm penetration into the masonry. Fix doorframes in metal and timber stud partitions with wood screws having first drilled a pilot hole - these should be pairs of screws at a maximum of 400mm centres. If door leaves have been removed, re-hang ensuring correct gaps and operation of seals. (It is important not to fix the door stop at this point.) If gaps need adjustment, do this by packing out behind hinges or recess them further.
Steel wood screws are approved for use with timber stud wall constructions, and for use with steel stud wall constructions that incorporate a timber infill. When fixing to proprietary metal stud partitions without timber infill, the fixings should be of a size and type approved by reference to the partition manufacturer's supporting evidence.
Doorstops must not be fixed until all hardware is installed and operating. Door stops are only tacked in place in the factory and require careful adjustment after the door is securely fixed and to suit the seal. For rebated stops and SQ21 seals typically a wider clearance between the door leaf and the stop is required on hinge side (4–5mm), and a slightly narrower clearance on the closing side (3–4mm). For flush stops and when using stick-on smoke seals such as LAS1212, RP124, 2–3mm around the perimeter should be sufficient. Set and fix the doorstop accordingly ensuring the door latches freely. Hallmark Group will supply seals once the doors are installed and painted to avoid loss or damage, samples can be sent to position stops correctly, request these if not onsite.
Stopping the fitting-in gap
Fill the fitting-in gap with PU fire rated foam before fitting architraves. Refer diagram below. Where gaps exceed 10mm, cementitious material such as gib board may be used in conjunction with the PU fire sealant. Fix architraves only when the required stopping is complete. Hallmark Group recommend BOSS FM-300.
Installed Door Clearances
The maximum allowable clearances and approved for fire doors are:
• Between head of door leaf and door jamb 4mm
• Between side of door leaf and door jamb 5mm
• Bottom of door threshold 10mm
Installation Detail
1 = 30min or 60min door, single or double
2 = Stop 35x18 (Fixings 50x3.2 St. Stl pins @ 200mm centres)
3 = Door Jamb, minimum thickness 30mm. Softwood for 30min doors, hardwood for 60min.
(Fixings 10Gx75 ST/Stl screws (pairs) @ 400mm centres)
4 = Opening Stud, use gib on face where gap exceeds 10mm
5 = 10mm max wedging gap, fill with non-combustible material/packer (i.e. Fibre cement board, or steel shims)
6 = Boss FM-300, 10mm deep continuous seal
7 = Gib wall lining
Steel Jamb Installation
Contact Home Group for fixing and back filling details
Tagging and certification of fire doors is a critical component of of the fire door industry and building owners and occupiers depend on the veracity of the information provided for their ongoing safety. There are 2 key responsibilities:
• Homegroup is responsible to ensure the fire doorset is manufactured in accordance with tested specimens.
• The installer/certifier is responsible to ensure installation is in accordance with the guidelines of this document.
The installer/certifier shall conduct an inspection only after the installation is fully completed including the fitting and adjusting of all hardware, and shall then complete and certify the necessary documentation and forward to Home Group. Home Group will then issue 2 specific fire door tags, one to be fitted to the door and the other to the jamb.
The Tagging & Certifying Process
When the fire door installation is complete including all hardware fitted and adjusted, the fire door installer/builder shall submit to Home Group a Schedule of Evidence confirming:
• The doors have been installed to specification
• The hardware fitted is approved for use on the doorset
• The door number and rating.
Upon receipt of the evidence Home Group will assign tags to the specific doorset and record tag numbers in a log recording the tag number, the project and the installer (certifier). The installer/builder shall then fix the tags to the door and frame. In the case of side hung doorsets, one tag shall be fixed to the edge of the hinge stile and one to the door frame at approx. 1.5mtr above floor level. Each leaf of a two-leafed doorset shall be tagged.